EUROMAP collects information about all associations within the plastics and rubber industry. The list should cover most of the associations world-wide.
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Avenida Paulista 2439, 8° andar
01311-936 Sao Paulo
phone: +55 11 30609688 - email:
Rua Manoel Gongalves Guimaraes 195, Edif. Agostinho Velloso da Silveira, José Pinhero
58407-363 Campina Grande
phone: +55 83 58407363
Rua Ernesto Bianchini Góes, 91, Próspera, Edifício Centro Empresarial de Criciúma
88815-030 Criciuma
phone: +55 48 34610933
Avenida Assis Brasil 8787, Ala dos Sindicatos, Térreo FIERGS
91140-001 Porto Alegre
phone: +55 51 33644503 - email:
Avenida Fernandes Lima 385, Edif. Casa da Industria, 5° andar
57055-902 Maceio
phone: +55 82 21216985
Avenida Paulista 1313, 8° andar
01311-200 Sao Paulo
phone: +55 11 2872619 - fax: +55 11 2849812 - email:
Immeuble Le Coronado, 20 Avenue de Fontvieille
98000 Monaco
phone: +377 92053892 - email:
60 Rue Auber
94400 Vitry sur Seine
phone: +33 1 49605757 - email:
11 bis Rue de Milan
75009 Paris
phone: +33 1 53327979 - fax: +33 1 53327970 - email:
11 bis Rue de Milan
75009 Paris
phone: +33 1 53327978 - email: